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JA Programs

All JA curriculum is listed below. If desired, you can filter by first selecting a grade level, then a pathway.

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Classroom Based After School

JA Economics for Success® introduces students to initial work and career readiness and personal finance concepts. The program offers 6 or more or more instructional contact hours (ICH) based on modular delivery of at least 6 of the 10 sessions. (Grades 6-8)

Education Level: Middle School
Financial Literacy High Financial Literacy
Work Readiness High Work Readiness
Entrepreneurship Minimal Entrepreneurship
Learn More About JA Economics for Success®
Classroom Based After School Virtual

JA It’s My Future® offers middle school students practical information to help prepare them for the working world. Students explore career resources to develop the job-hunting skills needed to earn a job. (Grades 6-8) The program includes six 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Education Level: Middle School
Work Readiness High Work Readiness
Entrepreneurship Moderate Entrepreneurship
Financial Literacy Minimal Financial Literacy
Learn More About JA It's My Future®
Classroom Based After School Virtual

JA It's My Job® (Soft Skills) will help students understand the value of professional communication and soft skills, making them more employable to future employers across multiple career clusters. (Grades 6-12) The program includes six 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout.

Education Level: Middle School, High School
Work Readiness High Work Readiness
Financial Literacy Minimal Financial Literacy
Entrepreneurship Minimal Entrepreneurship
Learn More About JA It's My Job® (Soft Skills)

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