JA Our Region®
Classroom Based
After School
Pillars of Student Success
Following participation in the learning experience, students will be able to:
-- Understand the traits common to entrepreneurs.
-- Discover how entrepreneurs use resources to offer products and services in a region.
-- Learn about the fundamental tasks performed by business owners.
-- Journey through the complex world of business problem solving.
-- Demonstrate the supply chain through a hands-on manufacturing and trade experience.
JA Our Region is recommended for fourth-grade students. The learning experience offers flexible implementation options to meet the needs of students and teachers in a variety of use cases. It includes five 45-minute sessions, with additional extended learning activities and optional digital assets offered throughout. Spanish translation is available for JA Our Region.
JA Learning Experiences support national and state standards in reading, mathematics, social studies, and work and career readiness. See below for more information on alignment with national and state standards.
Virtual Implementation
Remote classroom is available for JA Our RegionProgram Resources
- JA Resource Center for Volunteers and Educators
- Download: JA Our Region JA in a Day Learning Experience Brief
- Download: JA Our Region JA in a Day Learning Experience Overview
- Download: JA Our Region Learning Experience Brief
- Download: JA Our Region Learning Experience Overview
- Download: Resumen de la Experiencia de Aprendizaje JA Our Region
- Download: Resumen de la Experiencia de Aprendizaje JA Our Region JAID
- Download: Descripción General de la Experiencia de Aprendizaje JA Our Region
- Download: Descripción General de la Experiencia de Aprendizaje JA Our Region JAID
- Download: STEM Guide for JA Learning Experiences
Related Program Supplements
Alignment with State and National Standards
Common Core Standards
For those states that follow common core standards, Junior Achievement's curricula have been reviewed for alignment with these standards! Learn more by selecting the appropriate grade level below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
National Standards
While educational standards are determined primarily at the state level, many national standards serve as guidelines for the development of these state standards. See how Junior Achievement curricula align with the national standards listed below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
State Standards
Junior Achievement curricula are created to align with state standards. To see how our programs align with your state's standards, explore the options below.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
Scope and Sequence
Junior Achievement learning experiences cover financial literacy, career and work readiness, and entrepreneurship. Our extensive scope and sequence helps explain how our programs cover these subjects at various grade levels.
Main Correlation and Standards Page
Request a Presenter to Teach Curriculum
Steps to Request a Presenter
1) Request Info
Once you've decided to have a JA volunteer in your classroom, fill out the form on this website. You will receive information on next steps.
2) Pick Schedule
You will be able to coordinate a schedule that works for your class either online or in conjunction with a JA representative.
3) Meet Presenter
Once a volunteer is identified for your class, JA will connect you with the presenter to discuss roles, expectations, and logistics.
4) Empower Students with Standards-Based Education
After all details are in place, the JA volunteer will deliver lessons to your students either virtually or in-person.
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